Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Is anyone out there?

I can't imagine anyone is still reading this. I've been on a mini break and I am planning a major comeback the likes of which you have never seen. In the meantime a short post and a few pictures of some summer favorites.

The Lemon-Lime Posset mentioned in an earlier post.

A Dark and Stormy (as made here by the folks at Peju Club)

I'll be back soone in full force.


Anonymous said...

How is the Peju Dark & Stormy? I had the one at Freemans, and i wasn't pleased with the amount of lime juice. Maybe it's the correct receipe, but i like to taste a little more of the ginger beer.

JRoinNYC said...

The Peju dark and stormy is very ginger-y. In fact the lime is so subtle to almost go unnoticed. It is quite foamy, which I liked and they garnish with a piece of candied ginger. Definitely an upscale version and if I was lounging on the beach it might be too much. But at PC it works very, very well.

Anonymous said...

I made the lemon-lime desserts for guests, but never got to try it because they were all gone by the time I made coffee, etc. I heard they were delightful, served them with those thin ginger cookies, Anna's Thins.

Anonymous said...

dear jro we are waiting for revue of Arthur Ave. Reistorante. We had a great time.. Also any updates you can give.... Saw Anny. served Anna's Thin Ginger cookies I am doing as well tonite. With an apple compote over either vanilla or rich choc. ice creame. It has apples, walnuts, raisins & uses only real maple syrup. Will give you recipe if it flies. Love , and best to hubby Southern connection.

Anonymous said...

Where are you JRo?

JRoinNYC said...

I'm coming back! I promise.

Anonymous said...

The Dark & Stormy looks good, might have to drum one up tonight. After dining recently in Newport with your sib and sib-i-l I have to say it would be worth snapping some photos of their fully bbq'd al fresco meals. Hope you are having a great summer - Love, the other Franci/es.

Anonymous said...

I thought for sure the Rosh Hoshanah meal would provide some good material for a new blog. Oh well, guess there weren't enough carrots :)